The month of October is dedicated to the Rosary. The Rosary calls to mind the most important events in the life of Christ. We are blessed each morning as our eighth grade students lead us in a decade of the Rosary.
The Archdiocese of Mobile Child Protection Program for the protection of Children and Adolescents will be taught in all grades during the month of October. Your children will bring home some work to be shared with you. Please read the information and talk to your children about personal safety.
Parents who volunteer must be re-trained yearly.
We ask that you do this each year in August. If you have not re-trained, go online to
Remember, you cannot serve as a volunteer unless your training is updated yearly.
The Parent-Student Handbook acknowledgment form was sent home in September. The handbook serves as a guide in policy matters concerning the operation of our school. We will be contacting families that have not returned the form.
The week of October 21-25 is designated as Red Ribbon Week to encourage students to reflect on the goals they are setting for themselves and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to achieve these goals. It is a time to help them understand the damage that alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs can do to their bodies. Your children will share what they have learned from their teachers and guest speakers.
Report Cards will be available in PlusPortal after 6:00 p.m. on October 16 and conferences will be held on October 17 from 3:30 -5:00 p.m. Please let the teachers know by email or by a note if you do not plan to attend. These are short conferences. If you need more time, call the office or send an email to the teacher to schedule an appointment. There should be no “surprise” grades because grades are available online.
Be sure to mark your calendar now for the exciting events planned in October:
Wednesday, October 16 – Report Cards will be available in PlusPortal after 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 17 – Report Conferences in Gym – 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 24 - Grandparent’s Day Noon Dismissal – No Extended Care
Friday, October 25 – Teacher Inservice – No Classes – Extended Care Open
Sunday, October 27 – Pumpkin Festival – 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Thank you for your support in every area of our school. You, our volunteers, gave 126 volunteer hours during the months of August and September. A special word of thanks to the 8
th grade parents who provided the snacks for the faculty meeting in September.
We are grateful for the generous support you gave to our outreach program for September. We will advise you next month of the total amount collected for the Burse Club. For October we will filling up boxes for the Box of Joy Program. Thanks to our Red Ribbon Leadership Team for their leadership in our monthly outreach.
REMINDERS ON PICK-UP/DISMISSAL: Remember that if you are not following the proper carpool drop-off/pick-up procedures, you are hurting us all. The “rules” were designed for the safety of ALL the children, not the convenience of some. Please remember to check-out students
before 2:30 PM. Please be a model for your child and use the crossing guard.
REMINDER ON LATE ARRIVAL/CHECK-IN: When students arrive at school late, or return to school from an appointment, they
must sign in at the office and receive a pass to be admitted to class in order to receive credit for attendance. Late arrivals are to report to the office.
PLEASE SAVE THESE ITEMS: We have a number of opportunities to get some “free money” so please save the following and send them to us:
Box Tops for Education, Community coffee labels, and empty printer cartridges.