"To be Saints is not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone."
Pope Francis
School Mass Schedule
Mass is celebrated as a school community weekly throughout the school year in Christ the King Church. Each class has an opportunity to lead the Mass and to participate in the music ministry as well.
Christ the King Catholic School Faith Development
Education in Virtue Program
Education in Virtue: Disciple of Christ is published by the Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, a Dominican Congregation in Ann Arbor Michigan. We are excited about integrating this program into our existing curriculum because it offers a structured way to teach virtues and the communion of saints.
Each quarter, the entire school will teach and learn about one of the four cardinal virtues and subvirtues of each. The cardinal virtues are known as the human virtues that require learning and practice to develop in the human soul. First quarter, the focus will be on the cardinal virtue of Justice and its subvirtues. Second quarter, the focus will be on the cardinal virtue of Prudence and its subvirtues. Third quarter, the focus will be on the cardinal virtue of Fortitude and its subvirtues. Fourth quarter, the focus will be on the cardinal virtue of Temperance and its subvirtues.
Happiness is living a virtuous life! Over the course of the program students will have the opportunity to learn 32 virtues and to learn about over 100 saints who are models of these virtues. Teachers and students will use the many resources (videos, posters, activity sheets, saint cards, discipline techniques, bulletin boards, etc.) created by the Dominican Sisters throughout their school year as they pursue true happiness through the learning and practice of the cardinal virtues.
Openlight Media is the online portal that showcases the Education in Virtue program. The website provides videos, information and activities to help share the message of the EIV: DIsciple of Christ Program. You can learn more about it all HERE.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Our Catholic Identity and Living Our Faith
Our religion program provides all of us with the opportunity to practice Catholic Christian principles in our daily lives. Religious activities include: morning rosary, prayer before each class, weekly masses, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, May Procession and Crowning, and preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
Environment - When you drive onto our campus, it is immediately evident that we are a Catholic school. There are signs and symbols of our faith at every turn. There are statues to remind us of Jesus, Mary, Saint Theresa, and Saint Francis. Pictures and posters and prayers are posted prominently throughout our school. Our beautiful church stands tall next to our classrooms as another reminder that we are a small part of a universal faith. We are reminded visually of the real presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling among us each and every day.
Morning Rosary - We begin each day with everyone on campus praying a decade of the rosary and a prayer to the Holy Spirit. This prayerful experience is led by students over the intercom, allowing the prayer to be heard throughout the campus. We offer our prayers for the needs of our community and the world.
Prayer - Teachers begin each class period with a prayer or a moment of reflection as a reminder that all are in the presence of God. All faculty and staff meetings begin with prayer and the recitation of their Mission Statement.
Student Masses - Each week, mass is celebrated and students in grades K3 - 8 participate. Each K-8 class has the opportunity to plan and lead the liturgies.
Outreach Program - Our faculty, staff, and students participate in an Outreach program, which is spearheaded by our Guidance Counselor and 8th Grade Leadership Team.
Religion Program - We use the Sadlier Religion textbooks for grades K-6. Teachers also use the Sadlier website, which offers supplemental materials and ideas that coordinate with the textbook. Grades 7 and 8 use the Finding God series from Loyola Press.
Seminarian Outreach - Students write letters quarterly to our Archdiocesan seminarians.
May Procession and Crowning - During the first week of May, the entire school and parish community participate in the Crowning of Mary. We make a procession through the streets around our school. The procession is led by our first Holy Communicants and four eighth-graders carrying the statue of Mary. As we walk, we pray the rosary which is led by our pastor over the intercom. Upon arriving at the church, the statue of Mary is brought inside; a crown is placed on the statue as we sing, "Oh! Mary We Crown You..." The youngest girl in the first Holy Communion class places the crown on the statue of Mary.
PTO - The PTO provides a Lenten Devotional for each family to enrich the community's faith experience at this sacred time in the Church Calendar.