"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace"
The Saints Fund is the name for overall giving to Christ the King Catholic School. It encompasses our Annual Giving, The King's Supper, and iGiveCatholic campaigns and events. Giving to CTKCS provides budgetary support for educational initiatives and improvements that tuition alone does not cover. It ensures that CTKCS will be able to provide stability for our school, meet the immediate needs of our students and provide benefits that enhance their lives on campus.
In addition, CTKCS offers several opportunites to volunteer your time and talent on campus. Our Leadership Team organizes a monthly Outreach to raise awareness and support our community. Corporate and family sponsorship plans are a part of our annual fundraising events. Join our community by volunteering on campus at these event activities. These opportunities for giving are communicated throughout the school year as activities and events occur.
We invite you to learn more about the many ways you may support our school by clicking on the tabs to the left.
Thank you in advance for your support of Christ the King and Catholic schools.
Our hearts and prayers go out to our families and extended families, faculty and staff, parishioners, local Eastern Shore and broader Baldwin-Mobile communities, and all who support Christ the King Catholic School, that continue to be impacted by this pandemic. The mission of CTKCS is alive in our homes and businesses and our mission guides us as we continue to provide Catholic education to our students. We are thankful for those who are able to partner with us in ensuring that we will able to meet the needs of our students and provide stability for our school now and for the future.