CTKCS participates in the annual Mathcounts competition. Mathcounts is a nationwide middle school mathematics competition held in various places in the United States. Its founding sponsors include the CNA Foundation, the National Society of Professional Engineers, and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The subject matter includes geometry, combinatorics, counting, probability, number theory, and algebra. Mathcounts provides students the opportunity to compete in live, in-person contests against and alongside their peers.
A CTKCS team is selected based on a 7th and 8th grade school competition usually held in early December. The team participates in the Chapter competition held on a Saturday in February. The Chapter competition includes teams from middle schools in 8 counties in southwest Alabama. Frequently, the team qualifies to compete in the state competition held in March.
For more information, please contact Mr. David Pooley, pooley@ctkcsdaphne.org.