Registration packets for the 2022-23 school year will be sent home with your youngest/only student on Wednesday, December 1. Your packet will include information about completing an online Registration Agreement, your re-enrollment process, and forms to complete for the 2022-23 school year.
The online registration information is available on our website under the Parents tab, Parent Information.
Your online Registration Agreement and Registration Fee of $200 per student will be due by Friday, January 14, 2022.
If you have any reason to delay your registration, please contact Mrs. Garlock.
It is important for all rising K-8 grade Catholic families who are registered parishioners with one of our subsidizing Catholic parishes (Christ the King, St. Lawrence, and Blessed Seelos) to confirm they are on track to meeting their parish's tithing requirements for the calendar year 2021 to receive the registered, contributing Catholic tuition rate.
This registration information is for currently enrolled CTKCS families. Admissions information for new prospective families will be available in January.