Mrs. Mitchell (Jr. High Grammar/Writing) and Mrs. Ford (Jr. High Literature) each recently received the Operation Round Up Star Light Award through Baldwin EMC Operation Round Up program. This is an educational grant program designed to provide support to teachers for the direct purpose of improving learning through a specific lesson and/or project in the classroom using innovative or creative techniques.
Mrs. Mitchell will be using her grant award to fund the Jr. High writing project in each grade.The sixth grade students will read and analyze numerous fairy tales, and then write a twisted version of that same tale. Seventh grade students will research five regions of the world (World Mission Rosary regions) and write about the regions, and an original fable from the region. After reading, analyzing, and evaluating American folklore, Native American, African-American, and tall tales, the eighth grade students will create original tales based on their interpretations of the tales they have evaluated. Once the students have completed their stories, they will work in the Tech Lab, Art class, and their Writing class to create their books. This process will challenge students to use their imagination, write creatively, and work cooperatively to produce their books.
Mrs. Ford will be using her grant for "The Cinderella Project" in her 7th grade class. Cinderella stories originated through the oral tradition of storytelling. That is one of the reasons there are more than 1500 versions of this tale. They can be found in more parts of the world, told in more languages, and in more different ways than any other folktale. The power of Cinderella is its universality. This story shows that within everyone there are common longings and fears. No matter what the culture, the characteristic elements are the same: a young girl is mistreated by her family, she overcomes this problem with magical help or by her own wits, her true good nature is revealed, the end good triumphs over evil and she is rewarded. The main differences lie in the tasks the girl is given to perform, the magical power that helps her, and how her rescuer ultimately finds her. Students will compare the various Cinderella stories, noting the cultural aspects inherent in the stories. The students will complete their own analysis, compare and contrast variants, present Reader’s Theater versions, and research cultural information. This project is also in conjunction with the 7th grade World Mission Rosary Project and Cinderella stories from each region will be incorporated.
These grants are funded through the Baldwin EMC Operation Round Up program, which uses change collected from the rounding up of participating members’ electric bills for charitable causes. Thank you Baldwin EMC!