On behalf of the PTO, we just want you all to know how excited we are to have purchased new Chromebooks for our junior high writing classes! Mrs. Mitchell says, “the Chromebooks are a welcomed addition to my writing class. Now every junior high student has access to an electronic device. The Chromebooks and Google docs make completing writing assignments much easier for the students.”
These Chromebooks would not have been possible for us to purchase, however, without the amazing work from last year’s PTO and the money raised from last year. We thank them so much for their hard work and dedication. Also, we would like to thank everyone who worked so hard, and all who participated in the King’s Supper!! The purchase of these Chromebooks are a direct result of this fundraising event.
Don’t forget, The King’s Supper and Silent Auction is Friday, January 27, 2017…let’s have FUN raising money, so we can have FUN spending it on our school! :)