Our Red Ribbon Leader was announced after our school Mass...Andrew Fouty. Each year, a student is chosen for the Superintendent’s Red Ribbon Leadership Award. This award is special because the student is selected by his/her peers and teachers as someone they see as having the qualities of a leader. A leader is someone who:
sees the needs of others and considers them important
stands on the side of truth, even if they stand alone
is willing to be inconvenienced for the needs of others
Andrew had the opportunity to choose a service project for our school. He spoke to our CTKCS students about his service project to help homeless youth in the Mobile and Baldwin County area. One in thirty kids are homeless, and Andrew would like to help them by asking for your help in collecting personal hygiene products, as well as any other items to make their lives easier. We will be collecting your items throughout the month of October. Thank you for supporting our Red Ribbon Leader, Andrew Fouty, and his service project.
We will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 24-28. Please click
HERE to see our Guidance Office page for a listing of items to be collected for the service project and the Red Ribbon Week activities.