Email Ms. Sherry Cook, Technology
Email Mr. Gerry Marlowe, Technology Assistant
Click the link below to visit the Tech Lab Digital Classroom
Tech Lab Digital Classroom
Christ the King Catholic School is committed to preparing its students to live out their faith in a global technological society. All uses of technology are viewed in the context of the moral and ethical teachings and policies of the Catholic Church and the school’s Mission Statement. We support technology as a tool and a resource to better prepare our students for their role in the 21st century. Christ the King Catholic School strives to employ appropriate technology infrastructure, devices, and professional development to enable the delivery of a curriculum that cultivates these skills in all its students.
Students have an opportunity to visit the CTKCS Tech Lab once a week for a formal technology class and, for grades 2- 8, can come during lunch break to use the resources in the Tech Lab. Classes in the Tech Lab utilize a variety of software and Internet resources to provide students with a basic education in the use and practice of technology skills. The CTKCS Tech Lab also highlights the State of Alabama’s technology goals for grades K-8 in all lessons and student activities. Student activities are crafted to integrate:
Technology Operations and Concepts
Digital Citizenship
Research and Information Fluency
Communication and Collaboration
Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Google Classroom
As part of the Google Education account provided by the school to the students in the junior high, Google Classroom is a resource which allows students and teachers to work on classroom assignments in the cloud. Teachers cause post assignments and collect responses from students electronically. Students can work in Google docs and then submitted a completed assignment electronically to the teachers for grades. Students can also post questions about a class or assignment and a teacher can host online classroom discussions with students in Google Classrooms. This new technology is part of our endeavor to provide a true 21st century education for our students.
Printing Services available to Students
The Technology Department at CTKCS strives to give every student an opportunity to make sure they can access resources so the students can complete assignments. Students may come to the Tech Lab during lunch recess to use the color printer in the Lab to complete any academic assignment. In the event that a student cannot print an assignment, homework, or project while at home because the home printer has broken, is out of ink, etc., then the student can email the document to In the subject line please type “Please Print.” The Tech lab will print out the document and place it in the Document folder box outside the Tech Lab door for pick up.
“Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Your image and instructs us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Your Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we ask You, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the Internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to You and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Prayer to St. Isidore, Patron Saint of the Internet